David Fuertes Jr. Named Trainer of the Month for June 2017
on Thursday, July 27, 2017
Awards & Recognition
David started driving for TMC in April 2014 and became a trainer in January of 2016. Transitioning into the role of a trainer was something that came easily to David. He was accustomed to training recruits during his military days, so he jumped at the opportunity to be back in a similar role. In addition, David feels compelled to do his best to help represent TMC. “Everyone talks about change and then they don’t want to do anything about it,” he says. “I just want to do my part in making the company better.”
It’s very apparent that David carries a strong sense of pride in the work he does. TMC has been a good job for him to transition into from the military. “As a driver, I like the structure,” he says. “You have one centralized point of contact and there is always someone there to take care of you; just like the military chain of command.”
“He wants to help our new drivers do things the correct way and understand why we want them to do it a specific way,” says Training Coordinator Manager, Jeff Geist. “He hopes he can make a difference in the success of new drivers and the company.”
David describes his training style as firm and strict when it comes to doing the job correctly and safely. “When it’s time to work, I get to the point and get things done,” he says. “I hold my trainees to a very high standard and teach them what to expect from the job.”
Attitude is another part of the job that David puts emphasis on. “If you’re in training just for the money, you’re setting yourself up for failure,” he says. “You have to be able to come in with a positive attitude and slow down and teach your trainees the right skill sets to do the job.”
Finally, David emphasizes the importance of taking the job day-by-day, and always striving to be better. “Each day is a stepping stone,” he says. “Many lives depend on us doing our job safely, and I take that very seriously.”

David Fuertes, right, with Marty White, Trainer Coordinator
Driver trainers are vital to the TMC training department, and each month a trainer is chosen who demonstrates the outstanding qualities TMC looks for in a trainer. The Trainer of the Month recipient is chosen based on their safety record and the safety performance of their trainees, the number of drivers trained and the retention percentage of those drivers. Congratulations to our June 2017 Trainer of the Month, David Fuertes!