Oscar Gore Named Driver of the Third Quarter for 2016
on Thursday, December 22, 2016
Awards & Recognition
Congratulations to Oscar Gore for being named TMC’s Driver of the Third Quarter for 2016!
Oscar is a veteran of the transportation industry. He has been a professional truck driver with TMC for 17 years, and also has 20 years in the railroad industry under his belt. Based out of North Carolina, Oscar knew from a young age that he wanted to drive a big rig. He enjoys being able to see the country and has a goal of visiting all 50 states.
Oscar has driven over 1.6 MILLION safe miles during his time here at TMC. “Every day I make the decision to be the best driver on the road.” says Oscar. “This job is not easy, but safety is at the forefront of success.”
In the trucking industry, attaining the level of achievement that Oscar has is quite a feat. Oscar insists that his successes are due to his keen attention to detail, and that more drivers can be as successful if they focus on paying attention.
“Oscar is always willing to go out of his way to lend a helping hand,” says Mitch Clauson, Oscar’s Fleet Manager. “You can often find him helping other drivers tarp their loads and offering pieces of advice.”
For Oscar, trucking is not just a job; it’s a lifestyle. “You have to love what you’re doing. I enjoy the time I spend in my truck and having the opportunity to see places I’ve never seen. It’s a blessing,” he explains.

Pictured (left to right): Curt Blunk, Dedicated Operations Manager; Oscar Gore; Mitch Clauson, Dedicated Fleet Manager
Criteria for Driver of the Quarter recognition includes years of service with the company, safe driving record, excellent customer service, professionalism and overall quality performance. Once a driver is recognized as a Driver of the Quarter they are eligible to receive the prestigious Wheel Master Award.