TMC NAmes Stephen Windham Driver of the Quarter
on Monday, December 6, 2021
Awards & Recognition

TMC has a large fleet of impressive drivers that take to the road each and every day. Stephen Windham is able to represent this accomplished fleet by becoming TMC’s Driver of the 3rd Quarter. Windham has been with TMC for 18 years. “'Destination: Excellence' may sound cliché but it means a lot. I see it and I know I just need to keep on keeping on."
Windham has been on a dedicated ‘Boat Division’ route for the last ten years. It is difficult for Windham to find delivery routes he has yet to drive as Windham has traveled the 48 contiguous states, as well as all but one of the Canadian provinces. “My favorite place to deliver is Prince Edward Island in Canada. It is so picturesque and loading the truck up onto a ferry to take loads across the harbor is pretty cool.
Windham has always enjoyed driving long distances and turned it into a career in the early 2000s. “It took a while to get the hang of it but once I understood the job I got really comfortable with it.” Windham is still learning and adapting to new practices on the road. The biggest piece of advice he has for drivers is to be open to learning new things. “Don’t hesitate to ask questions. Everyone is so helpful on the road and TMC drivers look out for each other,” Windham explained.
Hauling and securing loads while driving all over the country is not always easy and Windham knows that. “I allow myself to get frustrated for 30 seconds, that’s it, after that I know I have to change my attitude.” When Windham is not working, he enjoys spending time with his sister in Tennessee. Windham wanted to give a special thanks to Cory Jaeger, Clynt Coburn, John Young, Marty Coffey, John Macleod, Brian Black, Mike Little, and Kim Flynn for their willingness to help and the joy of working with these kind individuals.
Congrats to Stephen Windham, on being named TMC’s Driver of the 3rd Quarter! The Driver of the Quarter distinction is granted by TMC's Steering Committee based on the following criteria: nominations from employees, safe driving record, years of service, and excellence in customer service. The recipient is a tenured, professional driver and someone who is a positive representative of our company and industry.