TMC Names Matthew Nadeau Trainer of the Year - 2021

on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 in Awards & Recognition

Known for his professionalism and excellent representation of TMC Transportation’s training standards, Matthew Nadeau has earned the title of 2021’s Trainer of the Year. Of his ten years of driving experience, eight of those years have been as a trainer. Nadeau says he never expected to become a trainer, but he later decided he wanted to help his fellow drivers and share some of the knowledge he learned.

“It’s definitely an honor to be named. You know, it’s a big deal and it makes me feel like I am being recognized and like I am doing the right thing,” Nadeau said.

And doing the right thing, he is. Nadeau is on his way to surpass training nearly 90 TMC drivers while maintaining a stellar reputation as a solid and safe leader.

“Matt has taken on 88 training assignments to date and gives every person his all," Nadeau’s Fleet Manager, Taylor Yates said. “He understands what it takes to succeed at TMC and does his best to instill these habits in his trainees so they can be successful on their own. He is a pleasure to work with, extremely patient, and possesses a strong work ethic.”

Nadeau said adjusting to the driver's lifestyle can be difficult. He notes that many of his trainees come from a variety of career backgrounds, but he does his best to provide them all structure and a bit of peace of mind.

“If this is a job they (trainees) want to do, I do everything in my power to help them along,” he said.

As a trainer, Nadeau believes leading with patience is the key to his success. He says every trainee comes in with a different mindset, so he tries to convey patience and lets them know they can leave training successfully if they put their mind to it. But he says his responsibility as a trainer doesn’t end when drivers land their own set of keys.

“I want to set them on the right path from the beginning. Let them know you are here for them and you have their back if they need it. I tell all my guys, even when you are on your own and you’re just not sure about something, whether they call me, training, or safety, somebody is always here to help them. They are never truly on their own,” Nadeau said.

Matthew Nadeau

That sentiment rolls over to his personal life, as well. He notes how he maintains friendships with some trainees out on the road and at home. He recalls when a hurricane once caused a former trainee to lose power. So, Nadeau invited the driver and his daughter to stay with his family at his Florida home. The night ended with grilling steaks and what he describes as a great time.

His willingness to always help out is also recognized by Jeff Geist, Training Coordinator Manager at TMC.

“Matt is patient and always willing to help out in any way he can. He has a strong work ethic and focuses on training drivers for success and safety. Matt has definitely earned this award over the course of the last eight years of training,” Geist said.

Nadeau learned about earning the title of Trainer of the Year while on vacation. He took the time to be with his family and celebrate his fourteenth wedding anniversary. We here at TMC are happy Nadeau could celebrate his success with his loved ones.

Driver trainers are vital to TMC’s fleet and are an essential part of maintaining the company’s excellent customer service and safety record. Congratulations, Matt Nadeau, on the accomplishment of being named TMC’s Trainer of the Year for 2021!