Driver Appreciation Week 2020

on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 in Company News

This week is Driver Appreciation Week. TMC appreciates our Drivers on a daily basis, but this week celebrates Drivers and everything they do for us! Truck Drivers are the nation’s Super Heroes throughout this difficult year.

TMC is showing love to our Drivers by handing out goodies and running activities on the road as well as in our Brownsburg, Joplin, Gaston, and Des Moines Terminals. Activities include:

 Selfies with another TMC Driver- Drivers find another TMC Driver out on the road. Take a selfie together in front of their truck. Send to the Dropbox link on the Mobile App to be entered into a drawing to win a prize.

Fill in the Blank (You know you’re a flatbedder when…)- Most creative gets a prize! Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. We will post our favorites to social media!

Buffing Judging-Office Employees can sign up for a 30-minute slot to buff wheels for Drivers coming into the Appearance Shop. Judge the wheels to see how well they did!

Trivia Quiz- Answer the Trivia Question about TMC for a chance to win a prize!

Cash prizes are being awarded four days this week along with a Grand Prize Winner picked on Friday! Our Drivers are the foundation of our company and we couldn’t thank them enough for their hard work. Thank you Drivers for everything you do! Driver Appreciation Week Prizes Activities Terminals Truck Employees Celebrate Driver Appreciation Week TMC