Set up for Excellence: From Intern to Full Time Employee
on Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Company News
TMC has a long history of providing internship programs to students from all across the country. Currently, we have interns in Naperville, IL; Fort Worth, TX; Bentonville, AR; Brownsburg, IN; Joplin, MO; and Ames, IA. By interning with TMC, students gain valuable skills and experience by working with TMC personnel and interacting with real customers. They are able to witness the responsibilities and dedication required for the job, all while building professional relationships they can carry into the future. Here are a few interns who recently moved into full-time roles here at TMC!
Temi Agbaje: Logistics Intern to Logistics Sales Representative-Ames

“I loved my internship here at TMC. I’ve been able to really learn and grow here. Everyone wants you to succeed and I love that about TMC. Because of my internship, I feel confident about my transition into a full-time position. I will be on Garret Alt’s team as a Logistics Sales Representative and I’m excited to see how I can contribute to the success of the team and TMC.”
Trystan Faulkner: Customer Service Intern to Customer Service Representative- Joplin

“In 2018, I was lucky enough to obtain an internship with Jason Spurlin’s Customer Service Representatives team in the Joplin office through MSSU. I’ve really enjoyed the last eight months here and love the atmosphere of the company. I graduated in December with my Bachelor’s in Logistics, so I am very grateful and excited that I was offered a full-time position as a Customer Service Representative following graduation. I am looking forward to putting my education and skills to use for TMC!”
Daniel Stone: IT Intern to Software Developer- Ames

“I learned more about the industry in my first two weeks at TMC than I did my first year of college. We are a growing company and the culture here is fantastic. I was not only given the tools I would need to work in the industry, but real life problems to work through. The work I did as an intern was not just busy work, but a real contribution to the company.”
Alex VanVleet: Logistics Intern to Logistics Sales Representative-Ames

“My internship at TMC only lasted for a few months, as I was hired in late October. From the get-go, my plan was to work at TMC for a while and then transition over into a full-time role. I have enjoyed my time at TMC more than any other job I have ever had. The atmosphere in the office makes every employee want to be there. It’s been truly amazing working with these guys and gals up and I am more than excited to start my full time adventure. The main thing I am looking forward to is building lasting relationships with our clients and customers.”
So how do interns benefit TMC? New employees, particularly college students, are the future of TMC. If we can hire employees who have begun to learn the ropes and understand the company culture, this cuts back on training and gets our new full-time employees to work faster.
Take our office in Ames, IA, for example. “The idea is to develop a successful program that we can adopt in other offices,” says Kenny Kyle, Ames Office Manager. “In the last two years, we have seen the conversion rate improve and the numbers increase.”
TMC hires interns multiple departments: IT, Customer Service, Operations and Logistics. “Our interns receive real-life training experience,” says Kenny. “Our goal has always been to offer students hands-on experiences where their work makes a difference, and I think we have made well on that goal.”
A great example of the hands-on nature of these internships is in our IT Department. IT interns join current projects that have been implemented and change the way we look at things digitally. Other examples include Customer Service, Operations, and Logistics. Customer Service interns work with real customers to plan trucks. Operations interns speak with TMC drivers and assist with dispatching loads. Finally, Logistics interns book loads with customers and carriers so bring in revenue.
“We are dedicated to long-term improvement. When we dedicate ourselves to developing these interns, we see the return when they transition to full-time and are ready to take on their career for the long haul,” says Jordan Evans, Human Resources Recruiter. “It’s been really neat to see!”