DAW Blog

What Sets TMC's Drivers Apart

on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 in Company News

One of the reasons we love Driver Appreciation Week (other than the truck-backing challenge, of course) is because it gives us an opportunity to celebrate how great our drivers are. They are truly some of the best in the business. Regardless of weather, road conditions, or any other challenges, these men and women do what it takes to get shipments to our customers. 

Here’s just some of what makes TMC’s drivers so remarkable. 

They complete industry-leading training.  

Our drivers complete significant classroom and hands-on training before they ever haul their first load in one of TMC’s trucks, which prepares them to succeed on every trip, no matter what they’re transporting or where they’re going.  

They are committed to safe practices with every load.

TMC’s drivers are known throughout the industry for their commitment to safety in all aspects of their work. Our drivers put in the extra time and effort to make sure that every load is properly secured so they can keep themselves and everyone around them safe. 

Customers love our drivers.  

Our customers know they can count on our drivers to deliver loads safely, on time, and with a level of professionalism that means the job gets done right every time. And our drivers always go the extra mile to do whatever it takes for every customer. 

Our drivers look out for one another.  

Trucking can be a tough job, but our drivers look for opportunities to help each other. That could mean lending a hand with tarping, helping with loading or unloading, or any of the hundreds of ways TMC drivers prove every day that this company truly is a family. 

They know the value of service and sacrifice.   

We’re proud to say that 36 percent of our drivers have served in the military. This shows an admirable commitment to service and sacrifice, and it also means that these men and women come to TMC knowing the value of hard work and doing their very best. 

Our drivers are the heart of TMC, and we’re all proud to work with such outstanding men and women. They work hard every day to ensure that people around the country have the goods and equipment they need to keep our economy running, and we’re grateful for everything they do.